UK Space Propulsion Innovation award

The UK Space Propulsion Innovation Award has been announced which aims to address capability gaps in the industry by posing a set of key challenges to academia and the supply chain, then forming new connections between groups to fill the technology needs. This competition offers a unique opportunity for researchers or potential suppliers to pitch Read more…

UKSEDS National Awards

Nominations are now open for the inaugural UKSEDS National Awards. These awards will be presented at the National Student Space Conference 2015. The award categories are listed below: Member of the Year Branch of the Year Outreach Ambassador of the Year Best Project Full details and nominations for the awards can Read more…

Help Grow #LettuceOnMars

Students at Southampton University’s Spaceflight Society (UKSEDS affiliated branch) need your help now to win an international competition and send lettuce to Mars. Their plan involves growing lettuce aeroponically using the Martian atmosphere in a small growth chamber. Their proposal has passed technical review, they now simply need to win the Read more…