Spotlight on our Committee!

With it being the summer, branches are quiet, so we’ve decided to replace our usual spotlight feature with a spotlight on the committee that run UKSEDS – Exec member James Telfer tells us a little more about how UKSEDS works, and how you can get involved. It’s only July, but it’s already Read more…

Help Grow #LettuceOnMars

Students at Southampton University’s Spaceflight Society (UKSEDS affiliated branch) need your help now to win an international competition and send lettuce to Mars. Their plan involves growing lettuce aeroponically using the Martian atmosphere in a small growth chamber. Their proposal has passed technical review, they now simply need to win the Read more…

Connect with UKSEDS!

UKSEDS has recently expanded its presence on social media to better connect with the public. You can now add UKSEDS to your Google+ circle of friends if you want to stay up-to-date with our latest news, follow us on Flickr if you are interested in our most beautiful photos and Read more…