Our work would not be possible without the support of the companies listed below. They are not sponsors, they don’t endorse us or attend our events, but they do provide us and many other charities with software and services free of charge or at great discount. We are immensely grateful for their support.
Slack is a real-time messaging system. Our team of volunteers is spread out all over the country (and sometimes the world), Slack enables us to communicate quickly and easily, and is a pleasure to use. We get to use Slack free through its generous Slack for Nonprofits programme.
Notion is an “all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases”. We’re constantly taking on new volunteers, so a central store of information is essential. Notion helps us manage and share organisational knowledge. The Notion team have generously let us use Notion free.
Google provides us with G Suite for Nonprofits, a suite of online software including Gmail and Google Docs that allow us to share and collaboratively edit thousands of documents with ease. Every activity we run is underpinned by at least one Google Doc, and sometimes dozens. Google also gives us free advertising worth tens of thousands through a Google Ad grant, which helps more people find about our work.
Atlassian provide us with JIRA and Confluence. JIRA is a project management tool primarily used for tracking bugs and developing software. We use it to keep track of our tasks so we always know who’s doing what when. Confluence is a wiki tool that we use for our internal documentation – guidelines on how we do things, checklists for events, notes about what to take to an outreach event etc. Atlassian generously provides us with JIRA, Confluence, and several addons free of charge through their Community License scheme.
Tsohost are our webhosts, they provide us with an excellent and extremely reliable free hosting service for both this website and SpaceCareers.uk.
Helloprint print our conference programme, annual report, and posters. The give us a generous 10% discount on all our printing.
Proud corporate partners with