7 February 2014


UKSEDS National Student Space Conference 2014

1-2 March 2014, University of Leicester

3rd Media Announcement

The 26th Annual UKSEDS National Student Space Conference will be held on the weekend of 1-2 March 2014, and hosted by Leicester AstRoSoc at the University of Leicester.

UKSEDS are very pleased to announce our keynote speakers:

Prof. Richard Brown | Centre for Future Air-Space Transportation Technology, University of Strathclyde

Professor Brown is Director of the Centre for Future Air-Space Transportation Technology at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. The aim of the Centre is to perform the dedicated long-term planning and research that will be required to create the space access and air transport systems of the future.

Dr David Parker | UK Space Agency

Dr Parker is Chief Executive of the UK Space Agency. He has been involved in the UK space sector since 1990 having completed a PhD in aeronautics and astronautics at Southampton University. He worked in British Aerospace Space Systems as a propulsion and guidance, navigation and control (GNC) engineer and later in management and business development roles in EADS Astrium.

We are delighted to announce that British ESA Astronaut, Tim Peake will be participating in the UKSEDS Conference.

Our second Gold sponsor, Telespazio VEGA Deutschland will be running a Satellite Training Centre throughout the Conference. Students will get the chance to simulate real on-orbit satellite operations.

Reaction Engines Ltd. will be represented by Richard Varvill, Technical Director, who will be talking about the latest developments of the SABRE Engine and the Skylon Space plane. A number of other Reaction Engines staff will be on their stand. Reaction Engines Ltd are kindly sponsoring the conference networking reception on Saturday evening, following the day’s events.

Be sure to prepare your CVs as we will soon launch our CV repository which will give you a direct link to graduate schemes and career opportunities across Europe.

Social tickets have been released and are now available online with our conference tickets. These include a hot buffet, music and a fully-licensed bar. Also, don’t forget to book your accommodation through Go Leicester here before 12th February with our special rates!

Limited travel subsidies are available (10 – 50%) are available for UKSEDS members and branch groups travelling more than 150 miles, and attending both days of the conference. Interested groups should get in contact with us by Friday 21st February.

The 2014 election nominations will open on the 8th February 2014 and close at 5pm on the 1st March 2014 (day before the AGM). If you wish to stand for election you must complete this online application form, submitting a short manifesto within the dates mentioned above. Full details will be launched via our conference site.

The conference is made possible by the kind sponsorship of Reaction Engines, Telespazio VEGA Deutschland, UK Space Agency, HE Space, Printech Circuit Laboratories, Sapienza Consulting, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Royal Aeronautical Society, Serco Group, AstroGnome, International Space University, RAL Space, and Avanti Communications Group plc, and the support of the British Interplanetary Society, ESERO-UK, European Southern Observatory (ESO), ESA Education Office, AstRoSoc Leicester, University of Leicester Department of Physics and Astronomy, Leicester Astronomical Society and EUROAVIA.

Meanwhile follow the hashtag #NSSC2014 and join our Facebook event here. For further information and tickets please visit: ukseds.org/nssc2014


Zoë Versey, Conference Co-ordinator

[email protected]



The National Student Space Conference brings together students, academics, and professionals from across the country to share knowledge of space, discuss the challenges facing the sector, and to create new links between groups. It features talks by leading space science and industry figures, a careers fair, and opportunities to take part in discussions and networking events.


UK Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (UKSEDS) is the UK’s national student space society. We support students and enthusiasts across the country by running space projects, hosting conferences and workshops, and doing outreach to inspire and educate. We’re keen to build links between different parts of the space community, and to promote space beyond that.

UKSEDS, formed in 1988, is the UK chapter of SEDS, the world’s largest space enthusiast organisation for both school and university students. SEDS was founded in 1980 by students at MIT and Princeton University and now has more than 60 chapters worldwide.

ukseds.org | @ukseds | fb.com/ukseds | gplus.to/UKSEDS | youtube.com/UKSEDS


AstRoSoc Leicester is a society dedicated to providing activities related to astronomy, space and rocketry to interested students. We hold regular stargazing events at the University observatory, rocketry related events and socials such as bar crawls, pub quizzes and a trip to London.

We are also a branch of UKSEDS (UK Students for the Exploration and Development of Space) – an organisation that offers national workshops and events for our members.

leicesterunion.com/groups/astrosoc | @UOLAstRoSoc | fb.com/groups/astrosocleicester


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