by Robert Garner
on 5th July 2018
in Competition, Press releases
Students from across the UK competed in the second UKSEDS Lunar Rover Competition at STFC’s RAL Space in Harwell on Sunday 1st July. Seven student teams consisting of over 60 participants from across the UK reached the final stage of the Lunar Rover Competition, which saw them design, construct and test a lunar rover over […]
by Robert Garner
on 4th October 2016
in Competition, News, Opportunities, Press releases
UKSEDS and SSPI (Society for Satellite Professionals International) are happy to announce the 2016 – 17 Satellite Design Competition. Teams are challenged to develop the design for a small communications satellite capable of delivering 50 Mbps of data connectivity from LEO to small antennas on the ground without exceeding a weight limit of 150 kilograms. The […]
by Robert Garner
on 13th September 2016
in Competition, News, Opportunities, Press releases
UKSEDS are proud to announce our latest competition, the Lunar Rover Competition. Teams are challenged to design, build and test small rovers with the objective of driving into a crater, collecting a sample and returning to the lander. Rovers will be approximately 30cm cubed and weigh up to 5kg. The competition will demonstrate to students […]
on 12th April 2016
in Competition, Opportunities
The British Interplanetary Society are once again running the UK selection for the International Astronautical Congress Student Paper Competition. Two winners will each receive a £500 price, and be selected to represent the UK internationally at the IAC. This year, the IAC meeting will be held between 26-30 September in Guadalajara, Mexico. There are two […]
by Joseph Dudley
on 7th March 2016
in Events, News, Opportunities, Press releases
We are pleased to announce a one day site tour of the European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications (ECSAT), ESA’s UK site, and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratories (RAL Space) located in Harwell, Oxfordshire. This opportunity allows you to tour this core centre for the UK space industry and gain an inside perspective of life working at […]
by Robert Garner
on 2nd March 2016
in Internal, News, Opportunities
We are pleased to open applications for next year’s Executive Committee, and for our new staff teams. Joining UKSEDS is the best way to get involved in the space sector as a student. You’ll gain all sorts of skills and experience, and have the chance to work with lots of space organisations and members of […]
by Robert Garner
on 4th November 2015
in Careers, Education, Events, Opportunities, Workshop
Potential entrepreneurs and technology start-ups in Exeter are being offered the chance to take part in a world-leading entrepreneurship course that could help their business idea to grow. SETsquared is set to hold another three-day entrepreneurship programme at the Exeter Science Park, with a number of free places available for eligible applicants, including funded places […]
by Joseph Dudley
on 5th October 2015
in Careers, Events, News
As part of the Reinventing Space Conference 2015, UKSEDS and the Space Generation Advisory Council have organised Reinventing Space Careers, aimed at students, graduates, and young professionals who want to succeed within the space sector. The event will be held on Tuesday, 10th November 2015 at The Randolph Hotel in Oxford. A full programme can […]
by Joseph Dudley
on 18th August 2015
in News, Opportunities
We’re looking for student with a keen interest in robotics to lead organisation of a new space robotics event. Our plan is to encourage innovation and give students the opportunity to learn and practise new skills. You’ll need to have some experience in robotics and some awareness of the relevant companies and organisations in the sector. […]
on 16th August 2015
in Careers, Conference
Applications for the Space Generation Congress 2015 are now open! The meeting will happen from 8-10 October, and be held in Jerusalem, in Israel. The SGC is the annual meeting of the Space Generation Advisory Council, held in conjunction with the International Astronautical Congress. The congress is a chance for university students and young professionals […]
on 12th August 2015
in Careers, Uncategorized
Have you ever wanted to take individual degree courses in Europe, giving you the chance to both justify trips to the continent, and also study a wide variety of courses that aren’t offered at home, ranging from “Intelligent Technology” to “Mobile Games and Entertainment”. It’s definitely not a chance to miss out on – but […]