by Jacob Smith
on 9th December 2018
in Conference, Press releases
The 31st annual UKSEDS National Student Space Conference will be held in Scotland for the first time at the University of Edinburgh on the 2nd and 3rd of March 2019. The UKSEDS National Student Space Conference is the premier event for space students, bringing together students, academics, and professionals from across the country to […]
by Jacob Smith
on 14th November 2018
in Events, News, Press releases
UKSEDS are pleased to announce that their joint bid with the University of Leicester and the National Space Academy to host the 3rd Symposium on Space Educational Activities in September 2019 has been selected by the European Space Agency. The Symposium is aimed at students and educators interested in space related educational activities, particularly […]
by Robert Garner
on 5th July 2018
in Competition, Press releases
Students from across the UK competed in the second UKSEDS Lunar Rover Competition at STFC’s RAL Space in Harwell on Sunday 1st July. Seven student teams consisting of over 60 participants from across the UK reached the final stage of the Lunar Rover Competition, which saw them design, construct and test a lunar rover over […]
by Robert Garner
on 15th April 2018
in News, Press releases
Summary An attacker gained access to the UKSEDS web server, which contains databases used by our main website and transaction system. They had access to the data stored in these databases, which includes customers’, attendees’, members’, branch leads’ and sponsors’ information (detailed separately). We don’t think they accessed this information. The evidence suggests their goal […]
on 5th January 2017
in News, Press releases, Projects
Students from our University of Leicester Branch – AstRoSoc, have filmed breathtaking footage of the Earth’s curvature, using a high altitude weather balloon. The unmanned balloon and sensor payload reached an altitude of 23.6km, putting it at 1.7 times the altitude ceiling of a 747 airliner. In conditions close to a vacuum with ambient temperatures around -56oC […]
by Robert Garner
on 4th October 2016
in Competition, News, Opportunities, Press releases
UKSEDS and SSPI (Society for Satellite Professionals International) are happy to announce the 2016 – 17 Satellite Design Competition. Teams are challenged to develop the design for a small communications satellite capable of delivering 50 Mbps of data connectivity from LEO to small antennas on the ground without exceeding a weight limit of 150 kilograms. The […]
by Robert Garner
on 13th September 2016
in Competition, News, Opportunities, Press releases
UKSEDS are proud to announce our latest competition, the Lunar Rover Competition. Teams are challenged to design, build and test small rovers with the objective of driving into a crater, collecting a sample and returning to the lander. Rovers will be approximately 30cm cubed and weigh up to 5kg. The competition will demonstrate to students […]
by Robert Garner
on 14th March 2016
in News, Press releases
A new committee was elected during the AGM at the National Student Space Conference 2016 in Sheffield. Before the conference, the outgoing committee voted in a change to the UKSEDS Rules & Regulations which reduces the elected committee from 12 roles to 6 roles. All members of the committee are now charitable trustees, and are […]
by Robert Garner
on 14th March 2016
in Branch, Conference, Press releases
At the National Student Space Conference last weekend, UKSEDS announced and presented the winners of the National Awards 2016. National Rocketry Championships The National Rocketry Championship winner was Bristol SEDS. Olly Cotton, President of Bristol SEDS collected the rocket trophy from Libby Jackson from the UK Space Agency. Project of the Year The winner of […]
by Joseph Dudley
on 7th March 2016
in Events, News, Opportunities, Press releases
We are pleased to announce a one day site tour of the European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications (ECSAT), ESA’s UK site, and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratories (RAL Space) located in Harwell, Oxfordshire. This opportunity allows you to tour this core centre for the UK space industry and gain an inside perspective of life working at […]
on 25th February 2015
in Conference, Events, Press releases
UKSEDS National Student Space Conference 2015 Press Release 25 February 2015 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE UKSEDS National Student Space Conference 2015 28 February – 1 March 2015, University of Surrey Invitation to Media The 27th Annual UKSEDS National Student Space Conference will be held this weekend at the University of Surrey in a record sell-out event. […]