“Come along there’s surely a chance for explosions, we build rockets!” That about sums up how I was introduced to ICSEDS (read: the Imperial Space Society) during my 1st Year freshers’ fair. That line is very descriptive of what our SEDS division at Imperial College specializes in, if the random geeks running around with giant […]
Spotlight on Leicester AstRoSoc
Leicester, who won the ‘UKSEDS Branch of the Year’ award this year, are one of our most active branches. Thanks to Ryan Bradley-Evans, Dan Robson and Soheb Mandhai for putting together the impressive summary below, and good luck to Leicester for all of these exciting projects! To see your branch featured on the UKSEDS website, […]
Spotlight on Sheffield SpaceSoc
This year at Sheffield SpaceSoc has involved a lot of work behind-the-scenes, but although things have been quiet, it doesn’t mean we haven’t had a fantastic year! Back in May last year we won the bid to host the 2016 UKSEDS National Student Space Conference, thanks to our previous committee members’ bid. NSSC is now […]
Spotlight on Surrey EARS
Branch Spotlight: Exeter Space:Exe
Leeds at Festival of Imagineers 2015
On 18th November, Leeds SEDS ran a stall at the Festival of Imagineers. According to Leeds president Kristoffer, ‘The Imagineers outreach was all about engaging with kids and fuel their curiosity for space science and technology. The kids had a great time building/using the spectroscopes and many laughs were had over a game of Meteorite/Meteo-wrong. Some parents also took […]
Exeter do Sidmouth Science Festival!
This year, Exeter’s space:exe society once again attended the Sidmouth Science Festival, on Saturday 17th October, to raise awareness for the XRT-C Radio Telescope project. The public were excited to hear that the construction of the telescope is nearing completion! We also used the (ever popular) biscuit decorating as a chance to teach people about […]
Bristol SEDS High Altitude Balloon Launch
Bristol SEDS recently hosted a high altitude ballooning workshop, with funding from a UKSEDS branch grant. Here’s their take on the day: “The workshop began with an introduction to high altitude ballooning and the previous launches made by Bristol SEDS. There were 40 students that attended the workshop. We split the students into 2 teams, […]
Surrey EARS High Altitude Balloon flight
On the 7th June 2015 EARS travelled to Cambridgeshire to launch a high altitude balloon (HAB). On this occasion our HAB was carrying a payload for a company called Databarracks and for the Surrey Space Center. Databarracks had requested that we fly a Microsoft Server 2003 DVD case to help them commemorate the end of […]
StrathSEDS attend Astronomy Day
by Lukasz Zapotoczny, StrathSEDS An Astronomy Day took place on the 29th of November in the National Museum of Flight in Edinburgh, and StrathSEDS were lucky enough to be invited along to host a stall. The event took place in the main hangar of the museum, and amongst the things on display was one of […]
EARS Moon Bounce
On the 14th of July, members of Surrey EARS (Electronics and Amateur Radio Society) hosted a moon bounce on the University of Surrey campus. A moon bounce is a radio communications method that involves transmitting a signal through an antenna pointed towards the moon, and then attempting to then receive that signal when it is reflected […]