SGAC Needs You To Name An Asteroid!

Name An Asteroid

The Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) and the SGAC Near Earth Object (NEO) Project Group in collaboration with the Minor Planet Center (MPC) are excited to offer you the opportunity to name an asteroid! Entering is easy: Send them your entry in 50 words or fewer on what you would name an asteroid and why. Two competitions will run, one for entrants under […]

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European Planetary Science Congress 2013

On Tuesday 10th – Thursday 12th September 2013, ex-committee members Damian Rumble and Maggie Lieu represented UKSEDS at The European Planetary Science Congress 2013 (EPSC 2013) held at UCL, London. The event spanned a whole week of space related talks – everything from planetary modelling to astrobiology, and saw appearances from MarsOne and Virgin galactic. […]

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The ISU Experience

The ISU Experience

For nine weeks our Secretary, Ryan Laird, attended the International Space University (ISU) Space Studies Programme (SSP). Ryan shares his experiences with UKSEDS and explains how YOU can get involved. “The Space Studies Programme (SSP) is an intense nine-week course for postgraduate students and professionals of all disciplines. The curriculum covers the principal space-related fields, […]

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Lots of volunteering opportunities in October with UKSEDS!

Lots of volunteering opportunities in October with UKSEDS!

Join our Outreach team!!! With the start of the new academic year, we have loads of Outreach events planned for our members in October 2013! Take a look our outreach webpage for past outreach and get involved in the following planned: An outreach event with the Knowledge Observatory at the North West Astronomy Festival 2013 […]

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World Space Week – Call for Action!

World Space Week - Call for Action!

“The General Assembly declares 4 to 10 October World Space Week to celebrate each year at the international level the contributions of space science and technology to the betterment of the human condition” UN General Assembly resolution, 6 December 1999 Register your event! UKSEDS are working with the British Interplanetary Society who are UK National Coordinators […]

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Volunteer as a UKSEDS CanSat Mentor

UKSEDS is looking for volunteers to act as mentors for school student teams taking part in the UK CanSat competition, run by ESERO-UK. A CanSat is a simulation of a real satellite, integrated within the volume and shape of a soft drink can. The challenge for the school students is to fit all major subsystems […]

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UKSEDS in Coventry and Exeter: Outreach Travels the Country


After the success of our outreach at the Cheltenham Science Festival, we organised another two sessions at the Big Bang Fairs in Coventry and Exeter. Big Bang West Midlands, in Coventry, was visited by over 4000 people proving a great opportunity for us to get involved with many space enthusiasts. Similarly, Big Bang South West, […]

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Visit to Surrey Satellites Technology Ltd

Picture of SSTL logo.

UKSEDS members were pleased to attend a tour of Surrey Satellites Technology Ltd (SSTL). Members of UKSEDS met at the site in Guildford, Surrey on 26th April. Unfortunately we were not permitted to take photos inside the buildings themselves. We were given an overview of the company, along with SSTL’s missions – those launched, those and those currently in development […]

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ICSEDS Outreach – The UK Space Design Competition 2013

Part of the Judging panel 2013 including the ICSEDS Vice Chair 2012/14 (sitting 5th from right) and hiding by the yellow folder our Outreach Officer 2013/14 (Photo Credit: UKSDC and M. Arvidson)

Over the weekend of the 22nd and 23rd of March a team of ICSEDS members joined other volunteers and professionals at the UK Space Design Competition (UKSDC) finals at Imperial College London. The UKSDC is a weekend residential competition open to all year 10 – 13 students in the UK.  The UK finals are held […]

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UKSEDS’ Call for Yuri’s Night Contributions


UKSEDS will be compiling pictures of all the Yuri’s Night events from across the UK and publishing them on the UKSEDS website. If you participate in a Yuri’s Night event this year, please remember to take some photographs and send them to UKSEDS’ media team at: [email protected] UKSEDS looks forward to sharing your Yuri’s Night experiences with the entire  community! About […]

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Join the Space Generation Advisory Council!


About SGAC SGAC works on the international, national and local level to link together university students and young professionals to think creatively about international space policy issues and inject the youth point of view into international space policy creation. For a quick overview on what SGAC does, please see our current SGAC brochure available here. SGAC’s […]

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