UKSEDS’ Call for Yuri’s Night Contributions

UKSEDS will be compiling pictures of all the Yuri’s Night events from across the UK and publishing them on the UKSEDS website. If you participate in a Yuri’s Night event this year, please remember to take some photographs and send them to UKSEDS’ media team at: [email protected] UKSEDS looks forward to sharing your Yuri’s Night experiences with the entire  community!

YNlogoAbout Yuri’s Night

Yuri’s Night is a global celebration of humanity’s past, present, and future in space. Yuri’s Night parties and events are held around the world every April in commemoration of April 12, 1961, the day of cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin’s first manned spaceflight, and April 12, 1981, the inaugural launch of NASA’s Space Shuttle. Yuri’s Night events combine space-themed partying with education and outreach. These events can range from an all-night mix of techno and technology at a science centre, to a film night or stargazing at your local society, to a gathering of friends at a bar or barbecue.

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