Join the Space Generation Advisory Council!

logo_sgacAbout SGAC

SGAC works on the international, national and local level to link together university students and young professionals to think creatively about international space policy issues and inject the youth point of view into international space policy creation.

For a quick overview on what SGAC does, please see our current SGAC brochure available here.

SGAC’s Goal is…

  • …to provide access to our members to inject their thoughts, views and opinions on the direction of international space policy

Other goals are…

  • …to undertake projects on key topics of relevance to international space policy and our members
  • …to present the student and young professional viewpoint around the world
  • …to provide a dynamic forum in which students and young professionals can expand their knowledge of international space policy issues, build networks and think creatively about the future direction of humanity’s use of space

At the end of every year, SGAC releases a strategic plan for the upcoming year which encapsulates our key initiatives. This strategy not only defines our annual direction, it also acts as a benchmark for assessing our progress annually.

SGAC Activities

SGAC’s activities are encapsulated in its annual report which can be found below, which lists its ~90 countries’ activities:

A condensed summary of activities of SGAC can be read here:

Join SGAC!!!

Benefits of joining:

  • Being part of the voice of the next generation of space sector leaders: Have direct input on projects representing the youth view on space topics whose results have the direct ears and eyes of high-level leaders of current government, industry, and non-governmental organisations
  • Participating in top space events designed for university students and young professionals: Attend SGAC high-energy and high-impact conferences, outreach events, and gatherings around the world
  • Receiving exclusive scholarships and opportunities: SGAC and its partners sponsor members to attend conferences and to participate in panels, competitions, and positions only open to SGAC members
  • Networking: Meet up-and-coming international leaders in all areas of the space sector
  • Staying in the space loop: Receive updated news, job-postings, and information from all corners of the global space sector

For further information, visit:

Get in touch!

Please feel free to visit our United Kingdom country page here and to get in touch with your UK National Points of Contact for SGAC below:

Jane MacArthur

([email protected])

 Currently studying an MSc in Planetary Science at University College London (UCL).

Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society (FRAS), Member of the British Interplanetary Society (MBIS), Member of the Society for Popular Astronomy (SPA).

Jane has a wide international network of space friends and contacts drawn from her experiences and would be happy to help you find links and space connections in other countries.

– Space shuttle launch, Florida, USA
– Arctic Science course, in Kiruna, Sweden
– ATV Tweetup, Toulouse, France
– ISS Symposium, Berlin, Germany
– SpaceFest, in Arizona, USA
– JPL Open House weekend, California, USA
– Alpbach Summer School, Alpbach, Austria
– SpaceUp EU, Genk, Belgium
– European Planetary Science Congress 2012, Madrid, Spain
– Post-Alpbach course, Graz, Austria
– Austrian Space Forum, Mars simulation in Morocco
– In contact with many ISU alumni

Click here for Jane’s space blog or follow her on Twitter: @Jane_MacArthur

Ryan Laird

([email protected])
Graduate of Physics with Astrophysics MPhys (Hons), University of Leicester.

Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society (FRAS), FRAS; Member of the British Interplanetary Society (MBIS); Associate Member of the Institute of Physics (AMInstP).

Previously helped in organising the UK Space Conference at Charterhouse School, Surrey. Secretary of UKSEDS 2012/13 and 2013/14.

Student Representative of the UK for the International Year of Astronomy (IYA) 2009. Has since kept in touch with a wide network of space friends from all around the world.

Recently attended SGAC’s Space Generation Congress in Naples, Italy. Represented SGAC and presented at the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS) Scientific and Technical Subcommittee (STSC). Currently working at SGAC’s office as intern.

Click here for Ryan’s website. His full profile can be found here.
Follow him on Twitter: @rjmlaird

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