on 31st March 2014
in International, News, Projects
It is not the sort of dilemma that one expects when you’re 250 miles above the Earth travelling over 17,000 miles per hour in a hailstorm of cosmic radiation, but the inescapable truth is that our bold astronauts are facing quite the financial pickle. In today’s complex financial age where every Earthling must manage an […]
on 26th March 2014
in International, News
Taking a bold leap and going viral, our sister organisation, SEDS-USA have made preparations for some live video sessions exploring interesting aspects of space. This is yet another example of how the SEDS network is engaging across media platforms with both the public and industry to promote the interests of space. SEDS Space Talks is […]
on 5th February 2014
in Competition, International, Opportunities
Organised by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), the annual International Astronautical Congress (IAC) is the world’s largest astronautics/space engineering conference. This year the IAC will be in Toronto, Canada from 29 September to 3 October. At each IAC, there is a student paper competition with prizes for best papers/presentations. Papers may be on any subject related to space […]
on 10th September 2013
in Events, International
For nine weeks our Secretary, Ryan Laird, attended the International Space University (ISU) Space Studies Programme (SSP). Ryan shares his experiences with UKSEDS and explains how YOU can get involved. “The Space Studies Programme (SSP) is an intense nine-week course for postgraduate students and professionals of all disciplines. The curriculum covers the principal space-related fields, […]
on 11th August 2013
in Events, International
“The General Assembly declares 4 to 10 October World Space Week to celebrate each year at the international level the contributions of space science and technology to the betterment of the human condition” UN General Assembly resolution, 6 December 1999 Register your event! UKSEDS are working with the British Interplanetary Society who are UK National Coordinators […]
on 31st March 2013
in International
About SGAC SGAC works on the international, national and local level to link together university students and young professionals to think creatively about international space policy issues and inject the youth point of view into international space policy creation. For a quick overview on what SGAC does, please see our current SGAC brochure available here. SGAC’s […]
on 14th January 2013
in Events, International, Opportunities
This year, the summer school will be held from 16 to 25 July and will focus on the theme “Space Weather: Science, Missions and Systems”. Applications should be submitted before 31 March, 2013. Held annually since 1975, the Alpbach Summer School enjoys a long tradition in providing in-depth teaching on different topics of space science […]
on 13th January 2013
in Events, International, Projects
CubeSat Technology and Applications that will be held at von Karman Institute (Brussels, Belgium) on 29 Jan – 1 Feb 2013. Thanks to the sponsors of the von Karman Institute, the lectures will be provided at greatly reduced prices, down to 250 Euros for students instead of an original price of 1100 Euros. There will […]
on 26th October 2012
in Conference, International, News
From 27th-29th September it was my great delight to attend the Space Generation Congress, held in Naples, Italy. SGC is proudly endorsed by the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs. I was delighted to be accepted as one of some top 130 students and young space professionals internationally from over 45 countries. I was […]
on 1st August 2012
in Events, International
A group of amateur yet dedicated space fans are attempting to bring the successful unconference tradition of SpaceUp to Europe in September this year. It will be held during the weekend of 22 & 23 September 2012 at the Cosmodrome in Genk, Belgium. If you are less familiar with SpaceUp or unconferences in general, more details can […]
on 13th January 2012
in Events, International
SEDSIC is the international conference of SEDS: an annual get-together of SEDS members around the world. This year the conference is being held at VIT University in Vellore, India on 2nd – 4th March; the theme will be “Students vision for global space sciences and technology”. SEDS organises the International Conference (SEDSIC) each year as […]