on 6th September 2014
in Ecliptic, Internal
Want some extra material for your freshers stand? We have designed some new material including flyers and posters for use by any UKSEDS branch. We have some spare freshers packs printed with this material and more, ready to be distributed for FREE on a first-come first-serve basis. Email [email protected] to claim yours now! Alternatively you can print your […]
on 22nd August 2014
in Ecliptic, Events, News
UKSEDS volunteers helped I4IS deliver their message ‘Knowledge to the Stars’ to the 7,000 plus people at the 72nd World Science Fiction Convention, Loncon 3. The event was held at Excel, London Docklands on Thursday 14 to Monday 18 August. Many thanks to Vidyasagar Ananthan (formerly Imperial College London) for his support at the event.
on 22nd August 2014
in Competition, Ecliptic, News
Last month we asked you to fill out a short survey by the British Interplanetary Society (BIS) with a chance to win a Skylon model. We’re pleased to announce the winners: Steven Chandler, Farhan Mitha, and Adele Gammarano. There’s still chance to fill out the survey here if you didn’t do so already.
on 21st August 2014
in Ecliptic, Internal, News
The Committee is proposing some changes to the Constitution which defines UKSEDS’ purpose and structure. We consider these changes relatively minor, and do not have any concerns about them dramatically altering UKSEDS or its activities. There will be a two week consultation period from 22 August to 5 September, in which you can review the […]
on 16th July 2014
in Competition, Ecliptic, Events, International, News, Opportunities, Press releases
The first UKSEDS Kerbal Space Program Competition has now come to an end. [Warning Easter Egg Spoilers are listed in this article, don’t read if you haven’t attempted this challenge or want to find them on your own] The Scavenger Hunt Challenge required entrants to visit as many of the Kerbin’s closest moon ‘the Mun’, […]
on 16th July 2014
in Ecliptic, Education, Events, Opportunities, Outreach, Press releases
UKSEDS participated in the Big Bang Fairs and school festival. As a part of outreach programme, our stand for these events consists for space activities such as identifying meteorites from the earth rocks, display and description of our model rocket and telescope, space game called Space Invaders played using the keyboard interface created by SpaceGambit, […]
on 15th July 2014
in Careers, Ecliptic, Opportunities
As part of our efforts to build closer relationships with our alumni, we have created a short form here to gather some basic information. The purpose is to collect useful insights to help inspire students to support the growth of the UK Space Sector. We hope you will give as much information as possible in order to best inform our […]
on 27th June 2014
in Ecliptic, Events, Projects
A small and friendly team of robotics engineers at the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) are designing a cool new product for robotics and other applications like home automation. They are working on a generalised controller board with a lot of features integrated into a very small package. The board has all the functionality to drive a […]
on 5th May 2014
in Competition, Ecliptic, Education, Events, News, Opportunities
Do you know a student who has made for significant or outstanding achievements in space activities? Nominate them for a Sir Arthur Clarke Award! In recognition of notable or outstanding achievements in, or contributions to, all space activities, the Sir Arthur Clarke Awards have been presented annually since 2005. The Arthur C. Clarke Foundation is […]
on 17th March 2014
in Ecliptic, Education, Events, Opportunities
UKSEDS is a firm supporter of space education as we are keen to encourage careers in the STEM industry and to motivate and stimulate self-belief in general. The International Space School Educational Trust (ISSET) are currently running programmes with that very function; to utilise space to inspire and motivate individuals to achieve their goals. Some of these […]
on 7th February 2014
in Ecliptic, Press releases
7 February 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE UKSEDS National Student Space Conference 2014 1-2 March 2014, University of Leicester 3rd Media Announcement The 26th Annual UKSEDS National Student Space Conference will be held on the weekend of 1-2 March 2014, and hosted by Leicester AstRoSoc at the University of Leicester. UKSEDS are very pleased to announce […]