on 31st March 2013
in International
About SGAC SGAC works on the international, national and local level to link together university students and young professionals to think creatively about international space policy issues and inject the youth point of view into international space policy creation. For a quick overview on what SGAC does, please see our current SGAC brochure available here. SGAC’s […]
on 26th March 2013
in News, Outreach
On the 14th- 17th March, UKSEDS outreach volunteers helped to communicate science to the general public through our space activities. The Big Bang Fair is UK’s largest science festival. The event held at the London Excel Centre, drew audiences from around the UK and Europe with its many interactive activities, competitions and shows. UKSEDS was […]
by Joseph Dudley
on 24th March 2013
in News
This year celebrates the 25th anniversary of UKSEDS, and we’ve been able to get in contact with former committee members who have told us a little about UKSEDS’ story. Dr Chris Welch, UKSEDS Chair 1993/94-1994/95, now Vice President of the BIS and Director of Masters Programmes at the International Space University (ISU), remembers his first […]
on 13th March 2013
in Outreach
This past weekend UKSEDS volunteers were found science busking in Oxford town centre’s Bonn square. The event as part of ‘Science in your world’, opened up OSF 2013 and drew the presence of companies such as SIEMENS, Medical research council, STFC and many more. The outreach team had fun participating in the range of activities […]
on 7th March 2013
in Competition, Education, Opportunities
ESA and the European Interparliamentary Space Conference (EISC) are proud to launch the ‘Space for Sustainability’ Award for European students and young professionals who have made significant space-related contributions to sustainable development in our society. EISC is a forum where members of parliaments of European states meet to coordinate their activities related to space. In […]
on 6th March 2013
in Education, Outreach
The IOP is looking for volunteers for their Physics in the Field events over the summer. Throughout summer 2013, the Institute’s physics in society team and local branches will be taking physics to festivals and events around the country, engaging thousands of families and young people with physics busking. Physics busking involves performing physics tricks – small […]
on 4th March 2013
in News, Projects
Are you interested in learning rocketry? This year UKSEDS’ new committee are introducing a set of new projects aimed at teaching our members all the necessary skills to build and launch rockets! From the smallest model rockets up to the high power experimental engines, UKSEDS wants to see our members getting involved in this highly […]
on 4th March 2013
in Conference, Events
On 23rd and 24th February, space enthusiasts descended on the University of Bristol, UK for the UKSEDS National Student Space Conference 2013. For UK students, each year this is a key opportunity to meet and network with a wide range of people in the space sector from academia to industry, across multiple disciplines. It is also a […]
on 4th March 2013
in News, Projects
You are invited to join the UKSEDS Asteroid Chasers team in its second year of running to participate in the International Astronomical Search Collaboration’s (IASC) bi-annual Pan-STARRS Asteroid search campaign, running from between March 10th and April 14th. You will be participating in the discovery of new Main Belt asteroids and near-Earth objects, similar to asteroid 2012 DA14 that past us […]
on 4th March 2013
in Education, News, Projects
You are invited to participate in an international astronomy programme called GLOBE at Night. You can join volunteers from 115 countries around the world by measuring light pollution effects in your area. GLOBE at Night is free, and it’s easy for you, your friends and family to participate. For complete information, check out their website […]