on 15th July 2014
in Conference, Education, Events, Opportunities, Outreach
UKSEDS volunteers are needed to help our friends ‘I4IS’ at Loncon3 run their exhibition ‘The Interstellar Space’ Your space expertise is needed to help I4IS deliver their message ‘Knowledge to the Stars’ to the 7,000 plus people at Worldcon – and I4IS experts will be there to back you up. As part of our Outreach activities, […]
on 15th July 2014
in Opportunities, Outreach, Projects, XRT
Exeter Student Radio Telescope to be built at Caradon Observatory A team of intrepid students are set to herald a new era of astronomy at the University of Exeter after securing a special partnership with the South West’s newest observatory. The group, called eXeter Radio Telescope at Caradon (XRT-C), have teamed up with Caradon Observatory […]
on 9th June 2014
in International, News, Opportunities, Outreach
The British Interplanetary Society are the UK contact for World Space Week (WSW) 2014. They need volunteers to cache and take responsibility for WSW treasures throughout the UK for a worldwide effort geocaching event. World Space Week – what is it and when is it? 4th-10th October has been declared WSW. An annual occasion to celebrate space science and […]
on 8th June 2014
in Events, Outreach
We have some amazing science events coming up and we are looking for UKSEDS volunteers to be a part of these events. Contact UKSEDS outreach officer ([email protected]) if you would like to volunteer with us. Travel expenses will be paid and each volunteer will get a free UKSEDS t-shirts. More details about the events will […]
on 5th May 2014
in News, Outreach
The UK Space Agency has launched a competition for school children between the ages of 7 and 14 to design a British-inspired, balanced and exciting meal for British ESA astronaut Tim Peake to eat during his 6 month mission to the International Space Station (ISS). The winning contestants will be invited to develop their ideas further […]
on 17th March 2014
in News, Outreach
The European Space Agency (ESA) are seeking entries to name British ESA Astronaut, Tim Peake’s mission. Full details can be found on the ESA website. Send your proposal by 10:00 GMT (11:00 BST/12:00 CEST) on 4 April 2014. In May of last year, Tim Peake was selected to conduct a six-month mission aboard the International Space […]
on 7th March 2014
in Education, Events, News, Outreach
UKSEDS organised space outreach for the North West Astronomy Festival, UK Space Environments Conference, Leicester and the Mission X Blast Off Event. These events gave us the opportunities to inspire students to learn about astronomy, space exploration and the wonders of our universe. As a part of UKSEDS’ outreach programme, our stand for these events consisted of space […]
on 6th February 2014
in Events, Opportunities, Outreach
UKSEDS are pleased to inform you that we will be collaborating with I4IS at the 2014 World Science Fiction Convention in London this August. Founded in late 2012, I4IS aims to catalyse the conditions in society over the next century to enable robotic and human exploration beyond our Solar System and to other stars, as […]
by Joseph Dudley
on 3rd February 2014
in Education, Opportunities, Outreach
If you would like to apply as a volunteer, please send an email to our Outreach Officer ([email protected]). Once confirmed, you will receive further details about the outreach activities and your role for the day. Reasonable travel expenses will be covered. Oxfordshire Science Festival Date: 8th March 2014 Location: Bonn Square, Oxford. Number of Volunteers: […]
on 29th October 2013
in Competition, Outreach
The Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) and the SGAC Near Earth Object (NEO) Project Group in collaboration with the Minor Planet Center (MPC) are excited to offer you the opportunity to name an asteroid! Entering is easy: Send them your entry in 50 words or fewer on what you would name an asteroid and why. Two competitions will run, one for entrants under […]
on 16th September 2013
in Events, Outreach
On Tuesday 10th – Thursday 12th September 2013, ex-committee members Damian Rumble and Maggie Lieu represented UKSEDS at The European Planetary Science Congress 2013 (EPSC 2013) held at UCL, London. The event spanned a whole week of space related talks – everything from planetary modelling to astrobiology, and saw appearances from MarsOne and Virgin galactic. […]