This Saturday, the finalists of the IAF student competition will be presenting their work at the BIS Headquarters in London (27-29 South Lambeth Road, SW8 1SZ). The event features three undergraduate and four postgraduate presentations, with fascinating topics ranging from real-time inter-satellite communications design through to understanding potentially hazardous asteroids to protect our planet! It promises […]
XRT-C: Time to start building!
Over the past couple of months, there have been lots of exciting developments in the XRT-C project. We’ve been busy ordering components and planning foundation digging trips, and very nearly have all the pieces we need to put together a radio telescope. The first thing to arrive was the dish, ordered from RF Hamdesign in […]
AO Careers Position Available
UKSEDS is looking for an Assistant Careers Officer to help source jobs and opportunities relevant to our membership to be advertised via LiftOff (Careers Newsletter) and our website. There could be the opportunity to liaise directly with relevant people in the space industry. You will need to have some awareness about relevant companies and organisations […]
BIS IAC competition presentation
We would like to extend an invite from the British Interplantary Society to you to attend the final presentations of the eight students who entered the IAC competition. The event is taking place on the 30th of May at BIS HQ in Vauxhall, directions can be found here. There is no cost for this event. […]
UKSC Video Pitch Competition
The UK Space Conference this year will be from the 13th to the 15th of July in Liverpool – and you could win yourself a place! The UKSEA is running a video pitch competition, specifically for 18-25yr old young researchers and entrepreneurs, entitled ‘Enabling future long-duration space flight’. The top three submissions will each receive free registration to […]
Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov in London
50 years after his death defying first spacewalk, Alexei Leonov is coming to London to speak at a reception hosted by Stamus and the British Interplanetary Society at the Imperial College, Sir Alexander Fleming Building, Lecture Theatre G16, South Kensington, London at 6:30pm on Thursday 21st May 2015. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity […]
Jobs with ESO
The European Southern Observatory (ESO) is looking for people to support their Education and Public Outreach Department. All the positions can be fulfilled remotely, and are an exciting opportunity to promote world leading space science research. Full details can be found here, and to apply you should send a CV and a short email to: [email protected] Web Development – Development of web […]