Merlin Barschke, a CranSEDS member who graduated from Cranfield in 2011 and is currently working as Project Manager for two nanosatellites at TU Berlin, needs your support! “We are planning to prepare a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Space Technology. The course will cover the basics of space technology ranging from satellites to space […]
ICSEDS Launch Trip

Last Sunday, members of Imperial College Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (ICSEDS) travelled to Elsworth, Cambridgeshire, for their first launch trip. The aim was to launch two high altitude balloons (HABs) and several model rockets built over the course of the year. The two HABs were the culmination of ICSEDS’s very own […]
Find an Asteroid Campaign Success
The 10th March to the 21st April saw UKSEDS’ continued involvement with the Pan-STARRS Asteroid Search campaign. Overall the campaign was a great success with a record 1219 preliminary asteroid discoveries and 274 provisional discoveries being made by fifty-six teams all across the globe. Our own members, Chris Lavis, Owen Roberts and Thomas Goodfellow were […]