RAeS Conference: Spaceport UK

Conference | 3 February 2016 | London

The Royal Aeronautical Society’s Space Group will hold a one day conference on spaceports which aims to broaden awareness of the opportunities and challenges associated with the establishment of a spaceport in the UK. This will be achieved by bringing together a variety of stakeholders, including the public sector, investors and potential future spaceport operators and users, as well as those having experience of on-going initiatives in the United States.

The conference aims to throw light on how the UK can generate economic value from a future spaceport and the critical issues to be resolved along the way, under the following themes :

  • Launch Capability: related to what types of vehicles are under consideration, with which launch capabilities, and targeting which user/customer groups.
  • Doing Business: addressing how to exploit the new opportunities in terms of business models and return on public & private sector investment, as well as addressing risk.
  • Regulation & Insurance: focusing on the respective roles of government, spaceport operators, and spaceport users/customers.
  • Realising a UK Spaceport: learning from the experiences of foreign spaceports, as well as discussing current plans for the development of the spaceport capabilities, certification of services, and eventual market entry.

The event is therefore aimed at all those interested in contributing to the discussion of this important challenge and opportunity for the UK.

Click here to view the programme.

Student Affiliate members of the Royal Aeronautical Society are eligible for a discounted rate at the conference.

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