New Structure & Constitution

At this year’s Annual General Meeting, the Executive Committee will be proposing two key changes:

The first is to dissolve UKSEDS in its current form (an unincorporated charity) and reform it as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). This will have very little effect on what we do, but will provide the organisation and the Trustees with greater legal authority and protection

The second is to adopt  a new constitution which will replace the our two current governing documents, the Constitution and the Rules & Regulations. Our current documents have been cobbled together and amended over the last 30 years. As a result there are important parts missing, and others that are no longer relevant.

The proposed constitution is based on a model provided by the Charity Commission, with a number of special additions to tailor it for the needs of UKSEDS. Our hope is that it will provide a strong basis for the future of UKSEDS.

The new text has been debated at length by the Executive Committee, and is now open for public comment. We are also seeking legal advice to ensure that it is legally sound. You can read the proposed text here, along with a summary of the changes, a commentary, and the current texts for comparison.

Please send us your comments, questions, and suggestions. Our Constitution is our most important document, and what we write now will impact UKSEDS for years to come. The more scrutiny these changes gets the better, and we look forward to hearing from you.

The new constitution would be adopted by the new CIO, not the current unincorporate charity.

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