This may be of interest to some. There’s not long left now for scientists to sign up for the next I’m a Scientist events in June. Please pass this email onto scientists who might be interested, or squeeze information into any newsletters you may have planned in the next week. How? Scientists apply here: […]
Getting involved in outreach

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Network (STEM) is an charitable organization that encourages young people into studying and working in STEM related areas. They do this by organizing workshops and careers events at schools throughout the country. If you would like to volunteer in such events please fill out the form at: STEMnet offer […]
The New UKSEDS Committee

The following were elected at the AGM on Sunday. Chair: Damian Rumble Vice Chair: Nancy Hine Secretary: Ryan Laird Treasurer: Jeremy Nickless Projects: Richard Painter Industry: Douglas Liddle Outreach: Maggie Lieu The positions of Events, Website, PR and Membership Officer were not filled and we are currently looking for volunteers to co-opt onto the […]