Would you like to help run UKSEDS? We urgently need some volunteers to help the committee so that we can get on with all the cool projects that people have been suggesting. There are two ways you could help: a) Become a co-opted committee member: We need some new committee members to replace those who […]
Upcoming free CranSEDS branch activities

CranSEDS, the Cranfield University branch of UKSEDS, is inviting all UKSEDS members and non-members to the following activities on Cranfield University campus, building 114, http://bit.ly/hESf1b (CSA lounge, Cranfield University, College Road, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL). If you are not from Cranfield, you can find the building 114 on this campus map:http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/locations/cranfield/campus_v13%20(2).pdf Week: 6 June – 12 […]
Rockets and BBQ Saturday 4 June
There are only a few days to go until our Rocket Launch and BBQ at MSSL. We will be launching rockets to celebrate myPocketQub442 being selected as one of the UKube-1 payloads. There will also be a chance to relax by the pool and chat to the myPocketQub442 team. There are still some places left, […]