CranSEDS, the Cranfield University branch of UKSEDS, is inviting all UKSEDS members and non-members to the following activities on Cranfield University campus, building 114, (CSA lounge, Cranfield University, College Road, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL). If you are not from Cranfield, you can find the building 114 on this campus map:
Week: 6 June – 12 June
FRIDAY, 10 June, 16:30-18:00, “Pluto and the Outer Solar System”, lecture by Dr Mike Leggett from the British Interplanetary Society (Venue: CSA Lounge, Cranfield University), please download the poster PlutoAndOuterSolarSystem (1)
Week: 13 June – 19 June
WEDNESDAY, 15 June, 19:00-20:30, CranSEDS trip to visit British Interplanetary Society and attend the “Plasma Universe” talk by Dr Melanie Windridge (Venue: BIS, 27-29 South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, London, SW8 1SZ). Not really a CranSEDS specific event, but many of us are going and we encourage you to go too, maybe we can meet up there!
Week: 20 June – 26 June
FRIDAY, 24 June, 14:00-15:00, “Mars and Entrepreneurs” talk by Josep Virgili Llop (fellow Cranfield student in MSc Astronautics and Space Engineering) (Venue: CSA Lounge, Cranfield University)
Also, remember to check up on the progress of the human mission to Mars at
More information will be posted on the CranSEDS website:
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