The UKSEDS Orbex National Rocketry Championship
2020 - 2021
Teams will design and build a rocket to reach the highest apogee possible using any 29mm Cessaroni 2-grain motor.
To align more with the general purpose of rockets, having a payload is a required element in this year’s championship. Plus the addition of bonus points to teams who are able to measure the distance of where their rocket lands to the launchpad and the teams that land nearest get a few more points too. It is looking to be an exciting rocketry championship this year!
Check out our About section to find out more about the UKSEDS Orbex National Rocketry Championship, and how to compete.
Key Dates
Design & Build Report Due | 29th March 2021 |
Teams Must Launch By | 12th July 2021 |
Launch Report Due | 26th July 2021 |
Rules and Resources »
Find the brief, rules, templates and other resources here.
About »
Find out more about the UKSEDS Orbex National Rocketry Championship, and how to get involved.
Past Winners
2019/20 | Team Cranfield Space Agency, Cranfield University |
2018/19 | Team Enillwyr, University of South Wales |
2017/18 | Team UWEBAR, UWEBAR |
2016/17 | Team SPARK, SPARK |
2015/16 | Team Cranfield Space Program, CranSEDS |
2014/15 | Team UBSEDS, BristolSEDS |
2013/14 | Team Just Testing, StrathSEDS |
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About Orbex
Orbex is a UK-based spaceflight company with headquarters, production and testing facilities in Scotland, and design and testing facilities in Denmark. Orbex staff members have professional backgrounds with NASA, ESA, Ariane and several commercial spaceflight organisations. The company is now funded by two of the UK’s largest and most active venture capital funds, BGF and Octopus Ventures.
Experienced Rocketeer?
If you have entered the UKSEDS Orbex National Rocketry Championships or have previous experience we are currently in the process of putting together a new challenge to test your skills so keep an eye out for that. Alternatively, If you would also like to help others into the world of rocketry why not join our team, if you are interested please email [email protected].