UKSEDS members come from and reach out all over the globe! We’re proud to share the latest success story from Angaraj Duara, an international student at the University of Leicester, and active member of Leicester AstRoSoc. We hope you’ll find it as inspirational as we did. “I joined the University of Leicester last year as […]
UKSEDS Rocketry Blastoff
UKSEDS kicked off this year’s workshops with a highly successful rocketry event at the University of Sheffield. Over 40 participants were introduced to the world of model rocketry by Teejay, the UKSEDS projects officer and resident rocketry aficionado. The sessions included construction of model and high powered rockets, health and safety, structures, engines, launch operations, […]
Galaxy Zest
Sheffield SEDS (ShefSEDS) space enthusiasts have started a regular “light-hearted space caper for all outer space enthusiasts”. Listen to the first installment here. Galaxy Zest 13.10.13 – The Mars One Programme by Galaxy Zest on Mixcloud In the first part of the show, the Galaxy Zest presenters discuss the Mars One […]