From the Royal Astronomical Society:
Dear Colleagues
RAS National Astronomy Meeting 2013
St Andrews, 1-5 July 2013
Call for Parallel Session Nominations
We are writing on behalf of the Scientific Organising Committee of the RAS National Astronomy Meeting 2013.
As many of you may know NAM 2013 will be held in St Andrews, 1-5 July 2013, and will incorporate both the UK Solar Physics (UKSP) and Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Solar-Terrestrial (MIST) meetings.
The NAM 2013 programme will include 8 plenary lectures and a public lecture covering a range of topics in solar and plasma physics, planetary and exoplanetary science, stellar and extragalactic astrophysics, astro-particle physics and cosmology, highlighting also the UK’s role in key current and future space missions and ground-based facilities.
The NAM 2013 programme will include slots for several dozen parallel sessions, each of 90 minutes’ duration, with further sessions in the programme dedicated for poster viewing.
On behalf of the NAM 2013 Scientific Organising Committee we would like to invite from the community nominations for parallel session themes for the 2013 meeting. Nominations are welcomed for any topic or research area considered relevant to the NAM, UKSP and MIST meetings. Particularly welcomed are nominations likely to have broad cross-community appeal.
At this stage nominees for parallel sessions are requested to submit to the SOC the following information by e-mail :
1. Theme and provisional title of parallel session.
2. Brief (i.e. a few sentences) rationale for its nomination
3. Name(s) and e-mail address(es) of the session organiser(s)
4. Proposed duration (how many 1.5-hour blocks?) and justification.
5. Size of the anticipated audience.
The SOC will be pleased to consider nominations for multiple parallel sessions – i.e. 2 or more sessions with a linked theme that could run across several days of the NAM programme.
The SOC also particularly welcomes nominations for themes that are regarded as timely, e.g. relating to current or upcoming missions.
Please send session nominations by e-mail (to [email protected] and [email protected]) by 9 December 2013.
The NAM 2013 SOC will meet shortly thereafter to review the nominations received. It is expected that the final programme of parallel sessions will be drawn up before the end of Feb 2013.
Best regards
Keith Horne & Ineke De Moortel
University of St Andrews
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ Dr Ineke De Moortel
Royal Society University Research Fellow Reader in Applied Mathematics
School of Mathematics and Statistics University of St. Andrews North
Haugh, St. Andrews tel: (44) 1334 463757 Fife, KY16 9SS
fax: (44) 1334 463748 Scotland
e-mail: [email protected]
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