NASA seeks concepts for innovative uses of large space telescopes

In early 2011, NASA was given access to residual hardware (shown as drawings above) that could form the basis of a space based observatory. This equipment has the potential to greatly reduce the cost of a major facility. It consists of 2 sets of space qualified telescope hardware with a 2.4 meter f/1.2, lightweight ULE primary mirror configured in an f/8 system with < 20% Obstructed Aperture. The unvignetted field of view is approximately 1.80 Diameter and the wavefront quality is less than 60 nm rms. The system is designed for actuated secondary mirror positioning.

NASA is exploring options for innovative and imaginative uses of two large space telescopes recently transferred to the agency. In a request for information (RFI) published Monday, NASA seeks information about system concepts and architectures that would take advantage of these assets to address NASA’s goals in astrophysics, heliophysics, planetary sciences, and human spaceflight. “Because […]

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