The Big Space Balloon

Big Space Balloon is a project to launch a high altitude research balloon carrying scientific payloads to the edge of space.

Launched from the Isle of Wight, the balloon will fly to an altitude of up to 130,000ft where it will remain for several days, carrying out scientific measurements in the near-space environment.  Regional universities will be able to develop experiments for the flight.

The project is to be privately funded through advertising on its website and on the science capsule itself.  10×10 blocks of pixels on the website’s homepage can be bought for £25.00 (VAT may apply); these adverts will also be applied to the side of the capsule.  The project aims to raise £500,000 in this manner and hopes to be ready for launch in Summer/Autumn 2012.

A brief video is available showing what the flight should look like, and more information is available from the link below:


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