
UK Rocketry Hub

Looking to get into rocketry and have no idea where to start? Well we have you covered, introducing the UK Rocketry Hub! Hosted and maintained by UKSEDS on behalf of the UK Launch Education Working Group, this the go to place for all things rocketry!

UKSEDS Training Courses

New for the 23/24 competition cycle we launched a new addition to UKSEDS Competitions, introducing UKSEDS Training Courses! These are designed to teach complimentary skills for all of our competitions or anyone looking to learn a new skill! Keep an eye on this space as more are in the pipeline!

Project Odyssey

Students and apprentices across the UK are increasingly participating in rocketry activities. Whilst UKSEDS National Rocketry Championship uses G class motors which require no UKRA license, high power competitions such as Mach, EuRoC and Spaceport America Cup allow for solid rocket motors that require UKRA L1 and above licences.
UKSEDS has identified a lack of students undertaking their UKRA qualifications and instead they are skipping to high power motors without the necessary experience. Project Odyssey is UKSEDS’s solution. The idea is to provide an opportunity to gain the required experience to use as evidence for a UKRA L1 whilst providing exciting challenges that most students will have never attempted.


National Rocketry Championship 2024

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