definitely the top event to make sure you get to if you’re interested in a career in space!
Abbie Hutty
ExoMars engineer at Airbus
the National Student Space Conference is a great opportunity for graduates to meet employers and academics
Suzie Imber
BBC Astronauts winner
The premier event for students interested in space
The UKSEDS National Student Space Conference, now in its 33rd year, is the premier event for students interested in space, usually uniting them with academics and professionals from across the country to network, share knowledge, and discuss the challenges facing the sector.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, NSSC 2021 has had to move online. We are determined, however, to preserve the essence of the conference that students know and love. To that end, attendees will still be able to engage with a variety of organisations in an online careers fair, watch the talks and ask questions, all through our Nebula platform.
It is open to all, and features talks by leading space science and industry figures, and a careers fair.
The event is organised by UKSEDS, the UK's national student space society.
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Register for your free ticket for NSSC 2021.
Programme »
Talks by leading space science and industry figures.
This year's conference will be held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Reach talented and enthusiastic young scientists and engineers looking to work in the space industry.
Nebula Details »
Find out how to use Nebula, and the accessability features it contains.