Diversity in Space Careers (DISC) 2021 is a one-day virtual conference championing equality, diversity, and inclusion in the space sector.
Hear from a wide range of professionals, spanning space industry and academia, through a series of talks and panel discussions. This will give insight into their work, research, and experiences in overcoming personal barriers.
Join us in discussing the importance of diversity and hear from experts in how to support yourself and others in making the sector truly inclusive.
The event is organised by UKSEDS, the UK's national student space society.
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Hear from speakers from across the space sector and learn from experts in workshops on about how to support yourself and others in making the sector truly inclusive.
NSSC 2021 »
The UKSEDS National Student Space Conference is the premier event for students interested in space, usually uniting them with academics and professionals from across the country to network, share knowledge, and discuss the challenges facing the sector.