PushTribe: an online project platform

Credit: PushTribe

Credit: PushTribe

A UKSEDS alumnus, Daniel Nevius (UCL, Cambridge) has been working on a website called Pushtribe ( which could be useful for the SEDS community.

Essentially it is an online platform where people can post updates about the projects they are working on to keep their mentors and networks up-to-date and easily ask for their input. Once you’ve added a mentor you can just ‘tag’ them in the post and it will request their input and let them see your other update posts so they have the context that will allow them to give you good advice.

There is also a feature where users can share information in the form of project packages which are bundles of information that users can create that others can add to their projects and build upon. So for example if you were working on a high altitude balloon flight, you could add a package on ‘tracking using gps’ and ‘controlling camera systems with an arduino’ etc.

PushTribe are also inviting mentors in the space community to do live Q&A type hangouts on their platform that users can tune into. Their first was with Will Pomerantz of Virgin Galactic (recorded version here), an overall great person to learn about the space industry from. He put together a package on the platform with his advice for students and young professionals interested in the space industry here.

PushTribe has also locked in a date for another live event. This one will be with Chad Anderson – Managing Director of the Space Angels Network – on September 4th at 6:00pm London time.  

The platform is currently in private beta but UKSEDS members can email Dan their email addresses at [email protected] and he will add them to the beta list.

Dan Nevius
Cofounder & CEO, Pushtribe
E-mail: [email protected]

Ryan Laird

Vice Chair, UKSEDS
Email: [email protected]

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