Student Opportunity: UK Space Biomedicine Association

Student opportunity from the UK Space Biomedicine Association:

Join the next UK Space Biomedicine Association conference organising team and help run the UK Space Environments Conference 2013. This is a conference which will bring together researchers from academic and commercial backgrounds in the UK to discuss involvement in ELIPS (European Programme for Life and Physical Sciences in Space) projects. Targeted to occur around October/November time 2013.

Any UK students who who are interested and able to volunteer their time to be a member of the organising team, please email [email protected] (send your name and a very brief introduction of yourself). We are looking for: graphic designers, website managers, treasurer, co-leads, venue co-coordinators and delegate managers.

If you have some experience in event planning, please apply! Or if you are simply eager to get involved in the discussions on future UK space research then also apply! Great networking and space related experience opportunities will be included!

More information on the UKSBA can be found on their website.

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